Transformative Coaching to Help You Step Into Your Own Power

Make happiness your soul mission

You’re ready for something to change

And simply know you must move in a different direction

Work with me and feel supported in your journey

With my coaching programmes you’ll realise that everything you ever wished for was always there within you

You’ll feel:

“Whatever you do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.”

~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ~



One of the best ways to get started is to book an initial POWER SESSION with me. 

It is incredible how much can be achieved in just 90 minutes! Often this is all my clients need to give them the clarity they seek to jump-start them into action and feel motivated and inspired to make necessary changes in their life. You can be the Initiator of change or be Responsive to it, either way, this Power Session will boost your energy and get momentum going for you. 

Select from one of the 3 Programmes below :

mature lady in yellow top smiling

Insight Programme

In these two sessions I will help you be clear on your purpose

Discover what is most important to you in your life right now and in order of priority. Align your purpose with your deepest passions.

lady in blue top leaning on back of sofa and smiling

Goal Attainment Programme

Over six sessions we take you from hope to certainty
Where more than one area of your life is changing and moving in the direction you really want from now on. You are changing and evolving.
mature lady on a beach looking up and throwing her arms wide in happiness

Life Enhancing Transformation Programme

In 90 days you will go from a vision to total manifestation

You will transform your life in just 90 days when you commit to this programme. Each of the 12 sessions are designed to connect you to your core values and passions.

Follow-Up Single Session - 60 minutes £75

Continue to work with me by booking one-off single sessions to help you stay focused and on-track with you goals and passions.

The ongoing support  encourages to grow and expand and maintain all that you have achieved. The accountability is what really helps you keep taking action and keep the flow and momentum going. Whenever you come up against any challenges (which are to be expected) the single sessions will be of great help to you. 

You can book a single session with me at any time.

Face To Face Or Zoom Calls

Zoom Calls

Once you have booked a session or a Programme with me, I will send you a welcome note and details of the session and a zoom link for the call. 

Meeting Face To Face 

If you prefer a Face To Face session I have one of 2 locations to offer you : 

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Find your life purpose

Find Your Purpose Top pic

Take my short quiz to discover the key elements that are missing in your life, and once these are incorporated will make your life more meaningful, purposeful and satisfying.

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