Make Time for Yourself

Yoga to connect with your body and calm your mind

Yoga For Life 

The practice of yoga teaches us about ourselves, who we are at our core and how we choose to function in the world. 

Yoga guides us to manage life with grace and balance. 

I started teaching yoga 20 years ago when I was going through a big change in my life. Yoga became the sanctuary I was desperately seeking at the time. It gave me the space I needed to rediscover myself and develop an inner peace that has never left me.

I chose to study the Iyengar style of yoga because it emphasises a stronger discipline on physical alignment. It can be said that the mind can be trained by the body, if you train the body, the mind will follow. 

For a huge portion of our life, we are juggling between work and life to find a happy balance. We need to manage our time, energy and resources carefully so we do not lose our balance. 

Yoga gives us the physical and mental capacity to prioritise what is most important right now in our life and choose in favour of that. Yoga gives us strength, stamina and flexibility,  mentally and physically. It teaches us to be strong patient, flexible and adaptable as we try to juggle our family, friends, work, finances and health.

Yoga is a transformational life tool. 

“Yoga does not just change the way we see things, it transforms the person who sees.”

~ B.K.S. Iyengar ~

About me and my Teaching Style.

Feel supported in your yoga journey

As a Yoga Teacher, I strive to create a sacred space for my students in their practice. They come to  yoga each week to find a sanctuary within themselves, where they can fully let go of all their physical and mental stress and leave feeling renewed and revived.

All levels are welcome to my classes. I am committed to will helping  you reach your own personal goal, whatever that may be for you. Each and every one of my students receives personal attention and correction, where needed. Iyengar Yoga is all about correct alignment and attention to detail. This is a very important part of my teaching. I like to ensure that you are always working safely and within your personal limits.  

Make yoga a sacred place for you to be each week.

About me, Suzy 

I began my own personal yoga journey in 2002 and commenced a  500 hour, Iyengar style yoga training course . The Karuna Yoga Teaching Diploma Certificate was an intense two year training programme, with Ruth White Yoga  in Cheam, Surrey. We spent many long weekends on 4 day retreats where we experienced teaching from many different expert teachers  including Anatomy and Physiology, Philosophy, Nutrition, Ayurvedic Medicine,  Mindfulness and even a Fire Walk in Edinburgh. Ruth White trained with the master himself, BKS Iyengar, in Poona, India, where she achieved her Teacher Training certificate with him. 

Weekly Iyengar Yoga in Chalfont St Peter, Buckinghamshire

Wednesday Evening Live Classes

6.30 – 7.45pm and 8.00 – 9.15pm at Community Centre, Gravel Hill, in Chalfont St Peter, Buckinghamshire.

The classes are booked in blocks of six, £72 per block. The blocks are on set dates they keep rolling every 6 weeks, however you can join at any time during a set block and pay accordingly. Please note however any missed classes cannot be carried forward.

Single session payments are also available and are £13.50. I usually recommend this if you wish to do a trial session with me or if you are unable to commit to a full 6-week block on a regular basis.

If you wish to join please get in touch to find out more or to book your sessions.

The classes are run by Karuna White and Suzy Rose.


Wednesday Morning Live Classes

9.15 – 10.30am at, Pettistree, Woodbridge, Suffolk.

Please Book Here to join the class £13.50 or call Vida Haus directly on 07718192888 for further information.

The classes are run by Suzy Rose 

Friday Morning Live Classes

9.15 – 10.30am at, Pettistree, Woodbridge, Suffolk.

Please Book Here to join the class £13.50 or call Vida Haus directly on 07718192888 for further information.

The classes are run by Suzy Rose 

One to One Private Yoga Sessions

I offer one-to-one sessions of yoga, which are mainly held on zoom but if possible, face to face is also an option.  Singe sessions are £75. 

Whether you’re a complete beginner looking to learn the basics and build confidence in yourself or an experienced practitioner looking to to refine your technique and achieve specific health and fitness goals, this tailored approach will help you make effective progression.

One-to-one private sessions are hugely beneficial if you :

  • are looking for a tailored practice that addresses your specific needs
  • have any specific health concerns, injuries, or chronic conditions
  • are looking to achieve a deeper sense of calm and reduce stress
  • initially feel self-conscious in a group setting
  • want to build your confidence with the postures and create a personal schedule

What to expect during your session

One of the key benefits of private sessions is that it offers flexibility in timing; you can choose sessions each week that work with your weekly schedule, without the constraints of a rigid timetable.

Following the completion of a short health questionnaire, to find out about your health history and your goals and preferences, we will arrange an initial consultation. Following that, each 60 minute session will incorporate a blend of lying down, standing and sitting postures, inversions, if this is part of your own practice, and some breathing, meditation and relaxation. Everything is tailored to your individual needs and you will work completely at your own pace and personal ability.

Please email me to find out more or to book a session.

Yoga Testimonials

“I have been attending Suzy’s classes now for a couple of years as I have found it extremely therapeutic. I have lost weight and toned up significantly since starting and would definitely recommend Suzy’s expert teaching to anyone who wants to improve their body and mindset.”

~ Pippa P. April 2021 ~

Over the years of attending regular classes with Suzy, I found i really helped me get my strength and flexibility back after having children. I  feel fully relaxed and I always have an amazing night’s sleep after the class! Suzy is great at assessing everyone’s individual needs and limitations and adapts postures accordingly. I would highly recommend her classes to anyone regardless of level or age. 

~Christina L. June 2022 ~

The connection between yoga and mindfulness

Yoga teaches us how to pay attention to what is going on in the body and how to keep it well aligned so that it improves posture and prevents injury. The presence it brings is profound and healing also to the state of mind. It brings peace. 

Many people become interested in mindfulness once they start yoga. One great way to learn mindfulness is to attend a short Mindfulness Programme where many of the tools are taught in a simple and easy way. 

Please Join us for our Mindfulness Workshops or give me a call to find out more about it. 

Yoga Blogs

Working with the Psoas Muscle

Working With The Psoas Muscle – The Psoas Muscle is the main muscle that responds to the sympathetic nervous system during the Flight, Fight and Freeze response, when the body senses or experiences danger. We all at some point in our life experience some level of stress or trauma but we do not always have the opportunity to release it. The blog offers you a yoga postures and also other tips on how to release this pent up tension in both your physical and emotional body. 

Psoas muscle for blog

Spring Clean Your Body and Mind 

 7 powerful Yoga postures to practice during the Spring months. Practising yoga in Spring is quite different to in the Winter. Winter is all about recuperation and energy conservation, whereas in Spring, we need to start opening up the body again. Spring is a season for opening up to the ‘Yang’ energy, it naturally feels like the time to emerge back into the world with more passion and vibrance. 

Spring postures

Find your life purpose

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Take my short quiz to discover the key elements that are missing in your life, and once these are incorporated will make your life more meaningful, purposeful and satisfying.

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