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The Five Tibetans for Youth and Vitality

The Five Tibetan Rites Of Rejuevenation

Join me in doing this amazing daily Yoga practice which can take you only 7 minutes, The Five Tibetan Rites! The simple and invigorating sequence of postures is over 2500 years old and is said to be ‘The Fountain of Youth.’ It was first publicised by Peter Kelder in a 1939 publication titled The Eye of Revelation

the five tibetan rites

21 Repititions of the FIVE is recommended for us to do each day in order for us to experience youthful energy and feel energised, calm, relaxed and looking younger.

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The combination of postures multiplied by the amount of times we perform them is the secret. It revitalises energy, rebalances the body and cleanses the aura. These exercises enhance your vitality and spiritual growth, and reduce the effects of ageing.

These Five Tibetan Exercises or rites, combine spinning with four Yoga movements. The spinning subjects the whole body to a centrifugal force while the four other exercises realign the four alchemic elements (Earth, Fire, Water and Air) along the spinal column. ARROWS: IN/OUT on the indicate recommended breathing.

Let’s Begin!

Rite 1 – Spinning

Give yourself plenty of room to stretch out your arms fully. ALWAYS spin in a clockwise direction. Spin slowly and carefully as the exercise can quickly make you feel dizzy. Start with around 5-7 spins.

 Breathe in and out normally as you spin gently round.

Rite 2 – Raising of your Head and Legs together – (Uttanpadasana)

Lie down on a firm and comfortable surface and lift the legs and head up towards the abdomen together. Bend the knees if you need to start with as this may cause a strain on your back otherwise. Ensure that you keep the lower back on the floor as you do these.

Breathe in as you raise the legs and head   and out as you lower down and rest

Rite 3 – Chest and neck opening (camel pose – Ustrasana)

Kneel on the floor with your toes and the top of your feet flat on the floor, check that you knees are in line with your heels. Place your hands on your hips with your thumbs on your sacrum. Now you are ready to reach back with your chin and your chest and as you do so, gently bring your elbows closer towards each other.

Breathe in as you gently lift your head and chest back

Breathe out as you rest back into a neutral position

Rite 4 – Reverse Table Top pose (Ardha Purvottanasana)

Sit down on the floor with your legs straight out in front of you and your feet hip distance apart. Place your palms on the floor with your fingers facing forward. Start and finish in this position.

Now gently raise your torso and drop your head back, so that your knees bend while your arms remain straight creating the table top position. Slowly return to your original sitting position above. Rest for a few seconds before repeating this rite.

Breathe in as you lift up and breathe out as you rest back down.

Rite 6 – upward facing dog and moving into downward facing dog (Urdhvamukha shvanasana)

Start by lying down on your abdomen with your palms flat on the floor either side of your chest. Then gently push the upper part of the body up from the hands , lifting your chest upwards more and more. As you do this lift the pubic up towards the chest and drop the tailbone down towards the floor. The shoulder blades drop down as you keep lifting the chest and collarbones up further into a deeper stretch. Only if you feel ok to stretch further into the back and chest, you can lift  the tops of your thighs off the floor, without compromising and closing the chest at all.

 Breathe in as you lift up into upward- facing dog each time

Then draw your hips up and back, making a perfect V shape with your body, (hamstrings allowing, otherwise the knees can be a little bent to straighten out the back fully) into your downward-facing dog pose. Repeat by moving back and forth between downward and upward-facing dog.

Breath out as you come into downward – facing dog each time

For maximum benefit, practise daily. At the beginning,  do each exercise only as many times a you can manage comfortably ( perhaps 3 or 4 times to start with). Over time gradually increase each exercise until you work up to the maximum of 21 times (nose breathing is preferred).


A full set including the spinning can be completed in 7 minutes so it is easy to fit into your daily routine.

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