It’s Sunday and usually on a Sunday I like to find some special allocated time for a particular mindfulness activity, like going for a walk or reading a chapter from one of my mindfulness books. So I planned to do both today, after I had written a list of Sunday chores which included washing my car, some gardening and some housework.
I picked up one of my favourite mindfulness books and started to read the first chapter again, it had been a while since I had read this book, The Miracle of Mindfulness by Thich Nhat Hanh.
I felt so inspired by it that I simply had to share it in a blog.
It was about a friend who comes to visit him with his 7 year old son and Thich Nhat asks him how he is finding family life. Allen, his friend does not at first give a direct response but goes on to tell him that he is woken up by his wife about 3 times a night at the moment to go and check on their new born baby and so his sleep is interrupted. Life is very different to when he was a bachelor but he agrees that it in many ways it is very fulfilling for him.
However until recently he was always dividing his time into several different parts. But now he has discovered a way to have a lot more time. Instead of reserving one part for his son, another for his wife, another to help with the new baby, another for household chores, and another for himself doing the things he enjoys, he simply sees every part as his own time. With his son for instance, when he goes through his homework with him, he shares his presence with him finding ways to be interested in what they are doing together during that time.
What a wonderful way to approach every part of life and be in it. Everything we do, we can do with love, joy and presence for those we love and choose to be with.
Happy Sunday
With love and blessings